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SOC2500 - Quantitative Assessment
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Quantitative Assessment 1: Your task is to undertake a small-scale quantitative research project using a structured questionnaire, in paper form, administered face-to-face to 20-30 undergraduate SOC2500 students. In conversation with your seminar tutor, you should choose a broad area of interest or topic. For example, in previous years students have opted for areas such as: Gangs and young people; Race and ethnic inequalities; Social media, impact on life and education; Gender inequalities; Career decisions and career aspirations; Prisons. Or you could choose another topic related to modules you studied in year 1 and 2. Within the chosen broad theme, you should come up with a more specific title and identify 3-4 clear research questions. Be aware that your
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knife crime in London
We define the socio-economic aspects of the street gangs in London, examine the complexities of gang development, and evaluate the spatial link between gangs and violent crime.Gang regions are developed in areas where there is higher unemployment, lower education and a higher proportion of single parents.Social housing is one of the main predictors of the gang zone. Gang areas have higher rates of crime in different types of crime.Both having a gang in a city and being close to a gang are positively correlated with violent crime. They measure the short-term impact of gang break-up in the municipality as a decrease of about 15% in ward-level knife crime.
2019 began with the news that London reached a 10-year high-level record in the number of annual killings, with 137 murders. Murder and several other violent crime types have been on the rise in London since 2014 and sharper since 2016.The pattern of rising aggression directly affects the United Kingdom as a whole, as do many Western economies. Across the United Kingdom, knives and other bladed utensils are the weapon of choice for most murders. In the last decade, knives have been used on average for between 35 and 40 per cent of annual homicides.This has made “knife crime one of the most important social problems facing the United Kingdom in recent years. Knife crime rates follow the same pattern as homicides, and are increasing all over the world
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