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MN502 - Overview of Network Security
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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2020 Unit Code MN502 Unit Title Overview of Network Security Assessment Type Assignment-1: Individual Assessment Assessment Title IT Security Structures and Botnet Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Students should be able to demonstrate their achievements in the following unit learning outcome: ? Analyse and discuss common emerging threats, attacks, mitigation and countermeasures in networked information systems Weight Total Weight of the Assignment 1 is 15%. ? Assignment 1-Part A: 5% ? Assignment 1-Part B: 10% Total Marks ? Assignment 1-Part A: 15 Marks ? Assignment 1-Part B: 30 Marks Word limit ? Assignment 1-Part A: 500 Words ? Assignment 1-Part B: 1200 Words Due Date ? Assignment 1-Part A: Thursday 02/04/2020 (Week 3)
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Part A: IT security framework and Reference architecture
Predominantly usage of information security architectures
International Standards Organisation (ISO) security framework
ISO can be considered as one of the most commonly used security frameworks making it a widely known “security standards” and a mature Framework that focuses on security of information. Although ISO is quite broad as well as comprehensive security architecture and can be implemented across various range of sizes and types of organisational forms. This security architecture has been developed by “International standards organisation” (ISO) and can be regarded as a security framework with quality standards for operational excellence and manufacturers equivalent to that of ISO 9000.
- Attracts investors: Small business firms along with business Consultants simply agree that ISO standard and certification is considered as a potent tool for securing funding’s.
- Improved consumer service: ISO certification requires a business firm to focus their efforts on pleasing their consumers. Hence it is required for companies to focus on offering high quality services to their consumers.
Heavy emphasis on “docume
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