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LSC801 - Virtual Warehouse Field Trip Report
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LSC801: Alternative Assessment 3 Virtual Warehouse Field Trip Report Weighting: 40% Students are to undertake a virtual field trip to a real warehouse operation, and critically evaluate observed storage and warehousing practices via apostvisit report. The ‘observation’ itself will take the form of a virtual warehouse audit, which you will undertake based on a set of detailed notes and high-resolution images taken in a recent visit to an actual warehouse facility within the Nelson region. A Warehouse Audit Checklist (provided separately) will be used to capture data during your virtual visit. These materials will provide the basis for your analysis, to be presented in a professional report including your technical recommendations to the fictional entity, WCS, on improvements ide
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Business owners desire to ensure that their business operations run at the most optimum condition as possible in order to make their business firms as successful as possible. WCS, established in the 1980s is a provider of 3rd party services that are specialized in activities of storage that are temperature controlled. This warehouse company was established in order to serve fishing companies as well as local fruitfarmers and is now considered as a one of the leading innovators considering the long-term industry sector. This study aims to highlight general storage and warehouse practices of WCS in the context of specific security operations, IT systems, maintenance of equipment, planning and so on. In addition, a critical discussion on health and safety practices along with risk assessment activities within this warehouse has been covered along with a few points on performance measurement. Lastly, this study has been concluded with derived key findings and persuasive recommendation.
General storage and warehouse practices --
It has been noticed that WCS have clearly marked fire doors as well as fire and emergency escapes. Moreover, there are enough amounts of doors that are obstruction free and there is a “fire protection system” (sprinkler) installed that is connected to the fire sensors and fire alarms. Apart from this, following are a few securi
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