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ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment
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ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics Group Assignment – Semester 1, 2020 Total Weight – 30% Due Date: Group Analytic Report 20% - Week 11 Sunday 11:55pm (Detail – Page 1-4) Due Date: Group Presentation 10%- Week 10 during scheduled lab (Detail- Page 5-6) Analytic Report: Learning Outcomes Assessed: A3, K3, K6, and S2: Purpose: The purpose of this task is to provide students with practical experience in working in teams to write a data analytical report to provide useful insights, pattern and trends in the READMIT-HISTORICAL dataset in the light of guided questions asked on page 4 of this document. This dataset is located in SAS Viya archives of datasets. This activity will give students the opportunity to show innovation and creativity in applying SAS Analytics, and designin
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1. Executive Summary
The study herewith is conducted to analyse and find the usability and applicability of big data analytics and business intelligence in the healthcare industry.The dataset used contains data obtained from hospitals situated in various cities and counties in the US, which is further analysed to draw useful and meaningful insights.These insights can help businesses and economies make effective and quicker decisions. The significance behind the study falls in the essentiality of quick and better decision making during a healthcare crisis, and ways to tackle it using analysed data. Some of the main findings of the research are as follows:
1) A patient’s age is the biggest predictor of the possibility of an individual having heart disease.
2) February, January and May showed the greatestno. of patients in hospitals
3) There appears to be a steep rise in the number of people admitted who were diagnosed with Chronic Heart Failure during December
4) July and August had the least amount of patients and least number of operations
5) Hospital number 13 as well as hospital number 35 had the greatestamount of visitors for asthma patients
6) Regions 3, 8 and 11 had the highest quantity of patients
7) Delray
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