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ITECH 5404 BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYTICS AND CHANGE CRICOS Provider No. 00103D itech 5404_01_assignment_2018 17.docx Page 1 of 3 Assignment 1: Reading Circle Purpose To encourage students to expand their thinking through reading and sharing of ideas. Weighting and Expectations Percentage Value of Task: 20% (40 marks) Minimum time expectation: Preparation for this task will take approximately 20 hours Learning Outcomes Assessed The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment: K1, K3, S1, S2, S3, S1, S4, A1, and A2 Assessment Details Background A reading circle is a small, peer-led discussion group whose members read the same article. Your reading circle will focus on an area of business process management and change. Reading circles are successful when student
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In this study we will discuss the chosen article which is written by the authors who are Babdara, Wasana & Opsahl, and Hanne Olsatad. The article is offering a business development process for the company “Kringler Gjestegard As”, this article is published in 2017. The authors gave a complete description about the business model which the author recommended for the company. In the article the author repeatedly identified the weakness of the company and according to those weaknesses the authors also mentioned the proper steps which the company has to follow (Bandara & Opsahl, 2017). The authors evaluate every aspect which a small company like Kringler has in the corporation. The authors very specifically discuss the issues and possible risk which the company may have to face in the coming future and also discuss the possible outcome which the company will get if the recommended suggestion is followed by the organization. The author also mentioned each and every thing with the possible diagrams and methods and using examples for the company. In this article the thesis statement will be the business development of the small company Kringler Gjestegard As, which is a very nice initiative from the authors.
The article that has been chosen for the study is
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