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Data protection laws
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data protection lawssubject is communication and technology just write 1200 words on that topic
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The development of the information and the communication technologies has provided the individuals and the business organization opportunities for making the expansion for their business and provides the facilities to make the communication and easy transactions with other parties electronically. This development has also created the variety of the laws and the regulatory issues for the policy makers. These issues are raised and developed for controlling the chances or the possibilities of the cyber crime and also to make the protection of the intellectual property rights online. This particular assignment will be making the deep analysis of the data protection law in terms of the communication and technology.
Information communication technology law, access rights and the protection laws: Global issues and the approaches:
The laws for the data protection has been seek to provide the protection to the data of the individuals by developing rights on their data, imposing the rules on the way and the manner by which the government and the companies makes the use of their data. It establishes the laws and the regulations for making the enforcement of the laws on transferring and use of the personal data (Taylor, et. al., 2014). The law for the data protection has been established in the year of the 1969s in response to that o
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