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Person-Centred Care
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Person-Centred CareNurses provide safe, person-centred, evidence-based practice for the health and wellbeing of people and, in partnership with the person, promote shared decision-making and care delivery between the person, nominated partners, family, friends and health professionals.Person-centred care means: • Treating each person as an individual; • Protecting a person’s dignity; • Respecting a person’s rights and preferences; and • Developing a therapeutic relationship between the care provider and care recipient which is built on mutual trust and understandingEight Principle of Patient Centred care: Benefits of Person Centered Care: ?Improves people’s experience of healthcare, and thus satisfaction?Encourages people to lead a healthier lifestyl
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Person-centred care supports the notion of caring for people in an individualistic manner. Planning, developing and monitoring care program based on individualist needs are the focus of person-centred care. The study aims to evaluate the scope of person-centred care programs with reference to standard practice and codes for registered nurse in Australia.
Nurses and caregivers indulge in safe healthcare practices to provide care programs that are suitable for service users and address individual needs. This category of care programs is termed as person-centred care programs. As commented by Kitson et al. (2015), person-centred care (PCC) programs must protect dignity of individual service users by respecting personal rights and preferences. The therapeutic relationship is needed to be built on mutual trust and respect between caregivers and recipient to make the care program successful. In this context, McCance, McCormack & Dewing (2011) stated that valuing individual preferences and respecting their decisions through better communication strategies and transfer of information can make a care program successful as it develops a comfortable environment to commence the intervention programs, making it more contributory for service users.
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